La Última Mirada
With "Hydroaysen" the electric companies Endesa, Enel and Colbún plan to build five hydroeletric power plants in the Chilean Patagonia, a project of incalculable impact on the environment and one of the biggest nature reserves of Latin America.
Due to the construction of Hydroelectricals in the Alto BioBio region, indigenous Mapuche communities have been displaced. The loss of their lands and tradition has let to unemployment, lack of traditions, alcoholism and an alarming rise of suicide among the Mapuche population.
„La Ultima Mirada“, the last glance, is a project about a paradise in danger, a region, where people live in harmony with the land that surrounds them, a last glance at a region, that might disappear forever if Hydroaysen is realized.
In July 2014, the project Hydroaysen was, for now, rejected.
This project was supported by the Canon Profifoto Grant.